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Ask Without Alternatives
Allow Without Assumptions

The Sea of Souls Philosophy

The Sea of Souls Philosophy states that we are all spiritual energy having an earthly experience. This means we have an unbreakable connection to the infinite possibilities offered by the Spiritual Realm. By tapping into this collective spiritual energy, we can let it handle the 'how' of healing and manifesting our deepest love, joy and abundance.

All we need to do is ask without alternatives and allow without assumptions.

Vision Statement

At the heart of the Sea of Souls Philosophy lies the belief that we are all spiritual energy navigating an earthly experience. We are connected to the infinite possibilities of the Spiritual Realm, and by tapping into this unbreakable connection, we can heal, manifest our desires, and transform our lives.

Our vision is to share this profound wisdom with the world, guiding individuals to harness the boundless energy of the possible. By asking without alternatives and allowing without assumptions, we empower the collective energy within the spiritual realm to elevate our vibrational energy frequencies, achieve holistic healing, and realize our deepest love, joy, and abundance.


We present the Sea of Souls Philosophy to inspire and support you on your journey towards spiritual truth and personal transformation, fostering a global community of enlightened and empowered souls.


Ultimate Aims:

The Sea of Souls Philosophy: To provide a comprehensive understanding of our spiritual nature and connection to the infinite.

The Sea of Souls Healing: To offer healing practices that harness spiritual energy for physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

The Sea of Souls Manifesting: To teach methods for manifesting desires by leveraging the power of the spiritual realm.

The Sea of Souls Retreat: To create physical retreats that allow for a group in-person deep spiritual connection, healing, and personal growth.


At the heart of the Sea of Souls Philosophy lies the belief that we are all spiritual energy navigating an earthly experience. We are connected to the infinite possibilities of the Spiritual Realm, and by tapping into this unbreakable connection, we can heal, manifest our desires, and transform our lives.

Our vision is to share this profound wisdom with the world, guiding individuals to harness the boundless energy of the possible. By asking without alternatives and allowing without assumptions, we empower the collective energy within the spiritual realm to elevate our vibrational energy frequencies, achieve holistic healing, and realise our deepest love, joy, and abundance.


The Sea of Souls Philosophy was born from Gary's necessity to overcome a difficult childhood marked by psychological, emotional, and sexual abuse. Despite being told by professionals that he would never be free from overwhelming emotional issues, a small voice inside, his 'little flame,' insisted otherwise. This philosophy represents his journey towards emotional freedom and his connection with the spiritual realm, which became a powerful ally in his healing process.


Gary's life transformed when he took the decision to fully trust the spiritual realm, asking for guidance without alternatives and allowing without assumptions. The night terrors, panic attacks, and irrational fears that once plagued him reduced, demonstrating the profound impact of this philosophy.


By utilising the wisdom within the Sea of Souls Philosophy, it is possible to let the spiritual realm handle the 'how' of releasing stuck emotional energy. We do not need to know or remember the event or trauma that caused this energy to become stuck. Our task is to allow the spiritual realm to return the stuck energy to its natural flow state.


Gary has tested this philosophy with friends, and they, too, have experienced significant changes. He believes it can help many others better manage the emotional aspects of life.


Please watch the Sea of Souls Philosophy podcast videos or contact Gary to ask questions or request help from his people within the spirit realm.


Gary seeks to connect with wider audiences to help spread this transformative philosophy. Please reach out to the host of established spiritual or life podcasts, such as 'The Next Level Soul Podcast', asking for Gary to become a guest on their podcast or video shows. Together, we can bring the Sea of Souls Philosophy to those who need it most.

Podcast Videos

Our podcast series explores the transformative principles of the Sea of Souls Philosophy. Each episode, lasting between 10 and 15 minutes, delves into various topics designed to inspire and guide you on your spiritual journey. Here’s what you can expect:


Personal Journey and Discoveries:

Join Gary as he shares his life challenges and the discoveries that led to the creation of the Sea of Souls Philosophy. Learn how overcoming a traumatic past and connecting with the spiritual realm transformed his life.

Quantum Science and Ancient Wisdom:

Explore the fascinating intersection of quantum science, ancient religions, and philosophies that support the existence of the spiritual realm and our unbreakable connection to it. Understand how these fields provide a foundation for the Sea of Souls Philosophy.

Effective Communication with the Spiritual Realm:

Discover practical techniques for communicating effectively with the spiritual realm. Learn how to ask without alternatives and allow without assumptions to receive guidance and assistance in healing and manifesting your deepest desires.

Topics and Ideas Related to the Sea of Souls Philosophy:

Dive into various subjects related to the Sea of Souls Philosophy. Each podcast will cover different aspects, providing insights and practical advice to help you integrate these principles into your daily life.


Whether new to the Sea of Souls Philosophy or looking to deepen your understanding, our podcast series offers valuable wisdom and inspiration. Tune in and join Gary as he guides you through the profound teachings and practices that will help you achieve emotional freedom, holistic healing, and a life filled with love, joy, and abundance.

Stay connected, stay inspired, and let the Sea of Souls Philosophy journey illuminate your path.

Coming Soon!

Spiritual Healing

Coming Soon!

Spiritual Manifesting

Welcome to the Spiritual Healing section of the Sea of Souls Philosophy. Here, we explore how the energy within the Spiritual Realm can help transform and return your emotional energy to its natural flow state, facilitating profound healing and recovery from emotional challenges.


Gary's Journey to Healing

Gary's journey has shown the remarkable power of spiritual healing. By asking without alternatives and allowing without assumptions, he has harnessed the energy of the Spiritual Realm to heal from deep emotional issues, including night terrors and severe panic attacks. This process involves trusting the spiritual realm to identify and address stuck and stagnant emotional energy, even when the specific details of these energies are unknown.

How Spiritual Healing Works

  1. Asking and Allowing:

    • The core of the Sea of Souls Philosophy is to ask the Spiritual Realm for assistance without alternatives and allow it to work without assumptions. By doing so, Gary has experienced significant emotional healing and transformation every time.

  2. Mediumship and Guided Meditations:

    • Through his ability to communicate with the Spiritual Realm, akin to mediumship, Gary can request insights from his spirit guides about where another person has stuck emotional energy. The spirit guides then provide a meditation image that assists in returning this energy to its natural flow state.

  3. Healing Without Pain:

    • Revisiting past traumas and conditioned responses can lead to liberation, but it does not have to be as painful or distressing as the original experiences. The meditation images supplied by Gary's spirit guides offer a gentle way to navigate these darker parts of our past, helping us heal without overwhelming fear or distress.


Why You Don't Have to Fear the Journey

We don't have to fear the journey back through the darker parts of our past. We can allow the Spiritual Realm to transform our emotions by calling upon it. At the same time, it illuminates and guides our return path. The Spiritual Realm knows how to get us home safely. When we ask and allow, it can and will take over, managing the emotional aspects of our healing journey.

Get in Touch

If you would like to learn more, ask questions, or request a channelled healing session from one of Gary's spirit guides, please email us. Gary supports you on your path to spiritual healing and emotional freedom.

Support Us

The Sea of Souls Philosophy has been a transformative journey, offering an alternative perspective on spiritual healing and personal growth. Our mission is to share this profound wisdom with as many people as possible, guiding individuals to harness the boundless energy of the spiritual realm and achieve holistic healing, love, joy, and abundance.

However, we need your support to reach a wider audience and make a greater impact. By making a small donation through the 'Buy Me a Coffee' platform, you can help us:

  • Create and distribute more content that inspires and supports others on their spiritual journey.

  • Organise workshops, retreats, and events to connect with individuals seeking emotional freedom and personal transformation.

  • Develop new resources and tools to help people integrate the Sea of Souls Philosophy into their daily lives.

  • Spread the word through various media channels, including podcasts, video shows, and social media platforms.


Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a significant difference. Your support will enable us to continue our work and expand our reach, touching more lives with the wisdom of the Sea of Souls Philosophy.


How You Can Help

  1. Visit Our 'Buy Me a Coffee' Page: Click the link below to visit our 'Buy Me a Coffee' page.

  2. Make a Donation: Choose the amount you wish to donate. Every little bit helps and is greatly appreciated.

  3. Share with Others: If you believe in our mission, please share this page with your friends, family, and community. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change.


Donate Now via Buy Me a Coffee


Thank you for your generosity and support. With your help, we can continue to promote the Sea of Souls Philosophy and help more people find their path to spiritual truth and emotional freedom.


Gary was born in 1968 in England and has worked as an automation engineer by trade. Despite a successful career, his personal life was deeply affected by a traumatic childhood marked by psychological, emotional, and sexual abuse. These experiences led to overwhelming emotional darkness, night terrors, panic attacks, and irrational fears that made living a traditional life seem impossible. Mental health professionals told Gary that he would never be free from these issues and would have to learn to live with them.

However, Gary's inner voice, his 'little flame,' kept telling him otherwise. This voice insisted that he could find a path to emotional freedom by truly understanding his emotional truth.


Throughout his life, Gary maintained a sense of spiritual connection, able to communicate with the spiritual realm, but never fully realised its full potential until a pivotal moment in September 2023. After experiencing yet another breakdown, Gary turned to the spiritual realm and said, "Over to you. I do not know anything. Show me how to get the life that you have always said was possible." From that moment, his life began to transform.


The night terrors, panic attacks, and irrational fears that once plagued him disappeared. Gary discovered that by asking without alternatives and allowing without assumptions, the spiritual realm could handle the 'how' of healing and manifesting his deepest desires. This profound realisation led to the birth of the Sea of Souls Philosophy.


Having found his spiritual and emotional truths and understanding what the spiritual realm can achieve when we ask and allow in the right way, Gary's biggest aim is to share the wisdom underpinning the Sea of Souls Philosophy. He believes this philosophy can help many others manage the emotional aspects of life better, just as it has helped him. Gary is dedicated to inspiring and supporting individuals on their journey towards spiritual truth and personal transformation, fostering a global community of enlightened and empowered souls.

To spread this transformative wisdom, Gary seeks to connect with wider audiences. Please reach out if you can help him become a guest on established spiritual or life podcasts and video shows. We can bring the Sea of Souls Philosophy to those who need it most.


Thank you for joining us on this journey.

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If you will like to ask a question or to enquire into one of Gary's Spirit People's Healing or Manifesting sessions then please use the following email:

Alternately you can contact me by completing the following form

Thanks for submitting!

©2024 by Gary J Muir - Spiritual Communicator

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